Safety Rules 
  1. Never throw your boomerang at or to anyone
  2. Allow plenty of room for throwing. A large field or park is ideal
  3. Never throw your boomerang in gusty or windy conditions, particularly while at the learner stage.
    (A still to mild day is ideal)
  4. Never catch your boomerang at eye level. Always wait until it is below shoulder height
  5. Never throw your boomerang laid over flat like a frisbee. Always have the boomerang nearly vertical on release to avoid dangerous diving and swooping flights
  6. Don’t throw too hard at first. Half powered throws are enough to return most models. As you gain experience, you can add more power for longer range and flight duration

How To Hold It 

The curved or decorated side should be held towards you and the flat side away. The easiest way to grip it is to make a closed fist and insert the boomerang between the thumb and first finger. Make sure the boomerang is cocked back along your arm for maximum spin. The ´elbow´ section can be pointing either forward or back as shown. See which grip suits you best.

Digga North America - How to hold your aussie boomerang.
Grip with a closed fist...

Throwing Your Boomerang 

Throw with a normal over arm style facing 45 degrees to the right of the wind (to the left if you are left handed). Aim the boomerang at a point on or just above the horizon.

Special Note: It is very important to give the boomerang plenty of spin on release, using a sharp snap of the wrist, in order to achieve a return flight.

Digga North America - How to throw your aussie boomerang.
Throw overarm...

Wind Factoring 

Throw to the right of the wind about 45 degrees (to the left if you are left handed) so that the breeze helps the boomerang come back. By throwing from the same spot each time and aiming for an object in the distance, you can adjust the throw angle to the wind.

Digga North America - How to throw your aussie boomerang factoring the wind.
Consider wind conditions...

Launch Angle 

The boomerang should be nearly vertical on release. Increasing the tilt angle makes it fly highter and land further back. Holding it more vertically makes it fly lower and land further forward. Never throw it laid over flat.

When thrown correctly, the boomerang will fly in a circle with the highest point of the flight at the furthest from you, and then hover down slowly nearby.

Digga North America - How to throw your aussie boomerang and throw angle.
Release almost vertically...

Catching the boomerang 

Catch it between your hands with a clapping motion as shown as it hovers down near you. Aim for the central section of the boomerang and avoid the fast moving wing tips.

Caution: Never try to catch a boomerang that is diving or moving fast. Catching should only be attempted when the boomerang is in a stable, slow moving hovering flight and after it is below shoulder height.

Digga North America - How to catch your aussie boomerang.
Aim for the central section...

Tips For Improving Your Throw 

Issue: Boomerang lands to your left or right instead of coming right back.
Solution: If the boomerang lands to your left, aim further to the right. If it lands to your right, aim further left.

Issue: The boomerang dives to the ground before returning.
Solution: Lay the boomerang further away from you on launch (more tilt angle – less vertical).

Issue: The boomerang climbs quickly and crashes vertically or swoops behind you.
Solution: Stand the boomerang up straighter on launch (less tilt – more vertical) and check that the wind is not too strong for the model you are using. In general, use less power throwing in windier conditions.